As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the launch of GRITS (check out a decade of GRITS development milestones here), we reached out to users to hear about how the platform has supported their efforts to reduce energy, emissions, water, waste, and utility costs in their buildings. Here are a few reflections we received:


“GRITS has helped my team develop a project portfolio and develop reports to justify funding requests. . . My team typically looks through other similar organizations (Higher Ed, Healthcare) to determine if there are any projects that match our existing problems/needs. We can use actual figures to then justify feasibility studies and costing. . . Being able to clearly showcase reduction, ROI, cashflows, etc. for a complex group of stakeholders and administrators allows my team to demonstrate the value of our work.”

– Joe Dizon, Energy Manager, University of California San Diego Health


“We have used the embedded code on our sustainability website to report on particular projects. This has been very well received by the marketing and media teams. . . Reporting on sustainability metrics using GRITS helps us guard against greenwashing.”

– Libby Hogarth, Environmental Project Officer, University of Adelaide


“It has helped us keep an account of our project savings that makes reporting easier.”

– Brian Sewell, State Energy Management Program Coordinator, State of Vermont


“Being in the city of Boston, we have used the calculations to help take into account future BERDO fines as a way to improve our ROI. . . the goals tab makes it extremely easy to show how much progress we have made and how much more we can do.” (Learn more about Boston’s building performance standards policy BERDO here.)

– Jennifer Bleecker, Energy Efficiency Program Manager, Boston University


“GRITS is the primary tool to manage our GRF. GRITS provides the financial data for us to report on the status of the GRF.”

– Anthony Ferraro, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Manger, University of Dayton


“GRITS allows us to track, share and archive information and files related to our conservation projects, so it has completely replaced our old database without the previous coding and administrative management burdens.”

– David Larson, Energy Engineer, Brown University


“GRITS has made my job easier since without it the tracking process would be much harder and I would be forced to figure out some other way to integrate all data on one place. As a data manager in our company I realize how important is to have a software product such as GRITS.”

– Nikola Janjic, Energy Management Intern, School of Visual Arts