Campus Sustainability Takes Time

Tracking Progress With Spreadsheets Takes Too Much Time

GRITS is an intuitive platform that replaces spreadsheets for tracking sustainability project data, calculating and managing the energy, financial, and carbon savings from these projects. It can also generate a business case analysis with metrics including payback period, ROI, and emissions abated for both potential projects and completed projects.

Campus Sustainability Takes Time

Tracking Progress With Spreadsheets Takes Too Much Time

GRITS is an intuitive platform that replaces spreadsheets for tracking sustainability project data, calculating and managing the energy, financial, and carbon savings from these projects. It can also generate a business case analysis with metrics including payback period, ROI, and emissions abated for both potential projects and completed projects.

Want to See GRITS in Action?

GRITS launched seven years ago on Earth Day and is currently in use by over 800 universities and other institutions across the country and internationally.

Save More Than Time!

Report Key Metrics Easily

GRITS can generate a business case analysis with metrics including payback period, ROI, and emissions abated for both potential projects and completed projects.

Spend Less Time Training

Get started in 30 minutes and enter your first project in less than 5 minutes.

Get More From Your Existing Tools

Integrates with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Works with SchoolDude, EnergyCAP, and many other sustainability systems.

Watch a 2-minute GRITS video tour

Want to Learn More?

We get it - sometimes you want to talk to a live person. Sometimes you just want to try something for yourself. You choose - sign up now for a free trial, a live demo, or a needs assessment. We promise we won’t call you unless you ask for a call.

Learn More